Bukhara Agrokluster LLC – one of the biggest raw cotton producers in Uzbekistan – has recently equipped its Soil Analytical Laboratory with the LASA AGRO spectrophotometers, combination cases COMBI 5000 and other instruments from STEP Systems.
Last week Harald Braungardt and Yana Murashova visited the company and held a seminar on soil analyses. The first part of the seminar focused on the theoretical basics including rapid on-site determination of pH and salinity (EC) – important issues in Uzbekistan, as due to high pH values (pH 8-9) and high salt content, the crop cultivation is a challenge in some regions.
In the second part, Mr. Braungardt showed spectrophotometer LASA AGRO and COMBI 5000 in action, analysed soil samples, gave advices to optimize the plant production as well as interpretation of measurement results.
Bukhara Agrokluster LLC is planning to analyse their 220 ha fields continually with LASA AGRO’s laboratories and COMBI 5000 with measuring results integrated into their own digital global monitoring system and also help local farmers to improve soil quality in Bukhara region.