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  • 2018.12. - Laboratory installation in Uzbekistan, financed by the UNDP

Laboratory installation in Uzbekistan, financed by the UNDP

Harald Braungardt, CEO of STEP Systems GmbH, installed a complete soil laboratory at the Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan, followed by the installation of 2 internet weather stations for climate and soil conditions control in the region of Karakalpakstan. The project has been financed by the UNDP Uzbekistan (United Nations Development Programme) and shall help these agricultural regions to optimize crop yields.

Installation of the Internet Weather Station at the Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan

Installation of the Internet Weather Station at the Nukus branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan

Internet Weather Station T-Warner

Internet Weather Station T-Warner